@DATABASE "SwazInfo" @NODE MAIN "SwazInfo 1.4 (02.03.94)" SwazInfo 1.4 Copyright (C)1992,93 David Swasbrook. ============ @{" Disclaimer " LINK Disclaimer } Legal information @{" Conditions " LINK Conditions } Shareware information @{" Requirements " LINK Requirements } Whats needed @{" Introduction " LINK Introduction } Introduction to SwazInfo @{" How to Install " LINK Installation } How to install SwazInfo @{" Usage " LINK Usage } How to use SwazInfo @{" Locale " LINK Locale } Locale translation @{" Programmers " LINK Programmers } Programming information @{" Special Thanks " LINK Thanx } Thankyou for your ideas/support @{" History " LINK History } A very brief history of SwazInfo @ENDNODE @NODE Disclaimer Disclaimer ********** I hereby reject any liability or responsibility for these or any other consequences from the use of SwazInfo whatsoever. This includes, but is not limited to, damage to your equipment, to your data, personal injuries, financial loss or any other kinds of side effects. Although SwazInfo has been tested thoroughly on several different machines, I cannot rule out the possibility that SwazInfo o is somehow incompatible to your equipment o has bugs that show up on your equipment o does not do what it is supposed to do on your equipment It is your responsibility to take any precautions necessary to protect yourself from these or any other effects. I explicitly reject any liability or responsibility from the consequences of you using SwazInfo Swaz. @ENDNODE @NODE Conditions "Shareware distribution info..." Shareware ********* SwazInfo is shareware. The program may be freely distributed and copied, as long as the following conditions are fulfilled: o The sales price must not be higher than the cost of an (empty) disk plus a nominal copying fee plus costs for shipping. The total price must not be higher than 5 US$. o All parts of the program and the documentation must be complete. The distribution of single parts or incomplete subsets of the original distribution is NOT ALLOWED. o SwazInfo or parts of it may not be sold in combination with or as part of commercial software. o Program and documentation may not be changed in any way. o Permission has been given for distribution through Aminet and Fred Fish. o Exclusive commercial distribution rights have been granted to Intangible Assets Manufacturing for use in its @{" Amiga Envoy " LINK AmigaEnvoy } peer-to-peer networking product. SwazInfo is shareware, this means I request those users, who use SwazInfo, to send me the shareware fee of 10 US$ (or any other contributions gratefully accepted) to the following address: Postal: David Swasbrook, 43 Pickwick Parade, Howick, Auckland, New Zealand. Internet: swaz@iconz.co.nz (private) or msd@iconz.co.nz Please include the following information in your registration: o your name, address (electronic mail addresses preferred) o your Amiga model(s) o Kickstart and Workbench versions o the SwazInfo version number o the MultiuserFilesystem version number (if installed) I assure you that the information you send me will be treated confidentially. I will try and inform everybody, who has registered with me as described above, when a new version of SwazInfo becomes available. If you have sent a shareware donation, if possible, you will receive an update through mail (preferably email). Thank you very much in advance ! @ENDNODE @NODE Requirements "Whats needed to run SwazInfo" Requirements ************ The following are required for SwazInfo to run: o @{" matrix.library " LINK MxLib} version 23.1789 or higher o V39 is required. Will work under V37 through Arexx. o For additional features for SwazInfo you can use the @{" MultiuserFileSystem " LINK MUFS} version 1.5 or higher. @ENDNODE @NODE MxLib "Matrix Library" MatrixLibrary ************* Copyright David Swasbrook, All Rights Reserved. o Yet another library to put in your LIBS: drawer. o Matrix.library is a development tool which will be used in fourthcoming releases of programs I have written. o The name "matrix" came from "The Matrix" - The computer system used by the TimeLords (Re: Dr Who). @ENDNODE @NODE AmigaEnvoy "What is Amiga Envoy?" Amiga Envoy *********** Intangible Assets Manufacturing uses SwazInfo in its Amiga Envoy peer-to-peer networking product. Intangible Assets Manufacturing 828 Ormond Avenue Drexel Hill, PA 19026-2604 USA Email: iam@iam.com Amiga Envoy is the standard Amiga peer-to-peer networking software developed by Commodore's Amiga Networking Group. Its performance, user-interface and API are consistent with the philosophy of the Amiga Operating System. Amiga Envoy provides a simple messaging interface for the easy development of reliable network applications. Included applications enable connected Amiga computers to share hard disks, CD-ROMs and printers transparently. Third-party applications can provide functionality such as electronic mail, remote computer access, multi-user databases and multi-player games. Envoy is Copyright Commodore Amiga Inc. @ENDNODE @NODE MUFS "MultiUserFileSystem" MultiUserFileSystem ******************* Copyright Geert Uytterhoeven, All Rights Reserved. You've got an Amiga with Kickstart 2.04 or higher and several people are regularly fooling around with it ... Last week your sister deleted your 20MB JPEG collection by mistake and you don't want this to happen again ... Well, here's the answer: MultiUser! MultiUser allows you to create a *IX-like environment where several users live together in harmony, unable to delete each others files, unable to read those private love-letters of other users ... And this even if several users are working on the machine at the same time (on a terminal hooked up to the serial port) ... You are the sole user of your computer? Well, make sure it stays that way by installing MultiUser! People without a valid login ID and password won't be able to access files you have made private with MultiUser. If you make all files private (not readable for others), the only useful thing they could do, is boot from a floppy ... And ... you do not have to reformat your hard drive! @ENDNODE @NODE Introduction Introduction ************ SwazInfo replaces workbench's icon information window while still retaining all the information and options and providing more window but with several enhancements. Features added in addition to normal Workbench Information: o AppWindow ; Icons may be dropped into the information window to load the image or tooltypes. o @{" MultiuserFileSystem " LINK MUFS} ; Owner/Group/Other/SetUID protection bits definable o Window font is configurable o Commodities support o Arexx support see @{" arexx " LINK Arexx }. See @{" extra features " LINK ExtraFeatures} for more detail on additional features @ENDNODE @NODE Installation Installation ************ Double click on the "install" icon. @ENDNODE @NODE Usage "How to use SwazInfo" How To Use SwazInfo ******************** When SwazInfo is enabled when you select "Information" from the "Icon" menu on Workbench an alternative Information window is used (provided the icon type is known). Currently only the following workbench object types are supported: WBDISK WBDRAWER WBGARBAGE WBPROJECT WBTOOL Unsupported workbench object types: WBDEVICE WBKICK WBAPPICON o These may be provided in a later release of SwazInfo. The interface to each of the supported object types has been designed to resemble the original workbench information function to simplify things, several @{" extra features " LINK ExtraFeatures} have been built in to enhance the icon information feature of workbench. Configuration ************* To configure SwazInfo either change the tooltypes or command line arguments. Supported arguments/tooltypes are: Standard Commodity arguments: CX_POPKEY CX_POPUP CX_PRIORITY Specific to SwazInfo: FONT - the name and size of the font to use for gadgets. If not specified then the default system front is used. Eg. FONT="topaz 8" CENTERED - If set then when information windows are opened they will start in the center of the display. If not set then the are opened in the top left of the display. The default for this is off. TITLEDELAY - Number of seconds to display messages in the window title before reverting to the normal window title. The default is 3 seconds. TOOLS - This is a list of default tools that are available when the user clicks on the `Common Default Tools' button. (This is alongside the string gadget for the default tool, and will be disabled if no default tools are available). Eg. To add the tool `MyTool' and `AnotherTool' as default tools: TOOLS="MyTool,AnotherTool" Several default tools are already defined in SwazInfo, they are used if you do not specify a tools list. You can request that you use the internal tools list as well as your list by setting the first character of your list to "+". Eg. TOOLS="+MyTool,AnotherTool" The internal default tools are: installer,multiview NOCHECKOWNER - if this switch is set then there will be no check made to see if the file is modifiable. Default is FALSE. DROPACTION - This sets the action to perform when an icon is dropped in the information window of another icon, but not in the image box or tooltypes listview. Possible values are: ASK, CANCEL, LOADIMAGES, LOADTOOLTYPES, OPENINFORMATION Default is DROPACTION=ASK CLIPBOARDUNIT - specified the clipboard unit number to use. Defaults to 0. SAVEDIR - default directory to save images to. Default = Ram: LOADDIR - default directory to load images from. Default = Ram: CREATEICONS - should icons be created when images are saved? Default = NO. If yes, SwazInfo will use the "env:sys/dev_ilbm.info" icon for saved image, if not available then the default type will be used. SIZEFORMAT - using this you can force SwazInfo to display sizes of disks and directories in bytes, kilobytes or megabytes. Default mode is any, and will use bytes for sizes less than 1K, kilobytes for sizes less than 10 megabytes and megabytes for sizes any greater. @ENDNODE @NODE ExtraFeatures "Important extra bits..." Important Additional Features ***************************** o Locale support - uses available language catalogs, the english locale is built in. See @{" Locale " LINK Locale } o Commodities support - can use the commodities exchange to remove, or disable SwazInfo. o Arexx support - See @{" Arexx " LINK Arexx }. o Icons may be dropped into the information window in several places: 1) If an icon is dropped onto the tool types list then the tool types from that icon will be added to the list (any duplicates are discarded). 2) Dropping an icon onto the icon image will load the dropped icons image to be used for the icon being edited. 3) Anywhere else in the window will do a specifiable action see @{" DROPACTION " LINK Usage}. o Shift-CloseWindow will close all information windows on the same screen. o Disk information also displays the disk type (eg. DOS0 or DOS1) o RWED protection bits may be set for the owner, group and others. o @{" MultiuserFileSystem " LINK MUFS} support: 1) SetUID bit support 2) Owner/Group of the file is displayed and an alternative owner may be chosen (provided you can modify the file). o Menu options to cycle through other information windows. o If the image does not fit inside the image display box then you may scroll around it by using the numeric keypad. o Horizontal and vertical flipping of the image o The image colors may be remapped. A Choice of 1.3/2.0 color remapping or user definable color swapping or replacement. o Default icon support. o Image highlight mode selectable. @ENDNODE @NODE Arexx "How to use SwazInfo via Arexx..." Arexx ***** SwazInfo adds an arexx port to the system named "SWAZINFO" you may use the following commands to control certain features: QUIT - will try to remove SwazInfo from the system. SHOW - displays the SwazInfo about window. HIDE - hides the about window. FILE - You specify the filename of the icon to be viewed, you can also give a public screen name to open on. You must give the full path to the icon. Eg. To view the icon named "Workbench:System/Format" send the arexx command string: FILE Workbench:System/Format or using arexx from cli: (don't forget the ") rx ' address SWAZINFO FILE "Workbench:System/Format" To open the window on the public screen named "PubScreen": rx ' address SWAZINFO FILE "-PubScreen Workbench:System/Format" * The "-" is used to indicate the pubscreen name. No other arexx commands are currently supported. @ENDNODE @NODE Locale "Only the english locale is currently supported..." Locale Support ************** The SwazInfo interface supports locale, the built in language is english. Currently the only alternative language is Fran Included in the archive is the @{" Catalog Translation file " LINK "swazinfo.cd/MAIN" 0} just in case you would like to translate it into your locale. Catalog filename matrix/swazinfo.catalog @ENDNODE @NODE Thanx "List of contributors" Contributors ************ Thank you to the following translators: fran ais - Jean-Michel Bezeau Thank you to the following who have sent in suggestions and requests: Andreas Baum Bernhard Seefeld James D. Robbins Jeff Harrang Klaus Alexander Seistrup Luke Chastain Thomas Hensel Walter Jung Thanks also to the following who reported bugs: Alex Kiesl Gunter Piringer James Cooper Beta testing performed by: Daryl Jay Also thanks to Osma Ahvenlampi for designing the MagicWB icon. o I'm sorry if you have contributed and you name is not in the above lists. I try to reply to all email so if you have sent me some mail and not received a reply then it is more than likely that my mailer sent it to nil: accidentally. @ENDNODE @NODE Programmers Programming Information *********************** This feature has only been added for release 1.3 of SwazInfo. o How to find the SwazInfoBase semaphore. @{" See includes. " LINK "SwazInfo.i/MAIN" 0} SwazInfo creates a public semaphore named "SwazInfo" with which you may interface to the swazinfo/WBInfo() function and/or read various fields in the swazinfoBase structure. Once you have called ObtainSemaphore() you should increment @{" sis_OpenCount " LINK "SwazInfo.i/MAIN" 0} and call ReleaseSemaphore(). This way you can safely call SwazInfo/WBInfo() without fear of it going away. When you have finished with it, please decrement @{" sis_OpenCount " LINK "SwazInfo.i/MAIN" 0} inside an ObtainSemaphore()/ReleaseSemaphore() of course. o Calling the SwazInfo/WBInfo() function This has identical calling parameters as the workbench.library WBInfo() function. worked = WBInfo(lock, name, screen) d0 a0 a1 a2 @ENDNODE @NODE History History Information ******************* `1.4' o Release version for distribution with Amiga Envoy. o Finally tracked down bug with the highlight menu items. o Remap button added to remap requestor. `1.3' o Can load iff brushes for the icon image o Can copy/paste images from the clipboard o Sorting takes into account disabled tooltypes o Semaphore has been made public o Exclusive commercial distribution rights have been granted to Intangible Assets Manufacturing. o Interface layout for garbage tidied up `1.2' o When Icons are dropped outside of either the tooltype listview or the image box you are given the choice of loading image/tooltypes or to bring up the information on this icon. o Sub-windows of the main information window are now opened initially in the center of the information window. o Can turn off file owner checking so will assume that you can always modify the file. o Now works under Kickstart V37 o Icon image can be remapped to 1.3/2.0 colors or you may define the remapping colors. o Also the image can be flipped vertically or horizontally. o The image my be of any size. It is no longer clipped to fit inside the display box. If too large then only part of the image is displayed but it may be scrolled using the numeric keypad. o Can change icon highlight method o Added tooltype enable/disable features `1.1' o The common default tool gadget has now been implemented. Have added new tooltype argument so you can specify your own default tool types. o The icon type may now be changed by selecting a menu item. o All listviews can be used with up/down arrow keys and return o The size of a drawer may be computed by selecting the size gadget in the top left corner; This may take a while for large directories and currently there is no abort method - although i do plan to build one in. o About window will open on the same screen as the information window it was invoked from - unless it is already displayed. o Icon paste menu key is now `V' ; icon copy/paste has still not been implemented however :) `1.0' o Initial release on Aminet. @ENDNODE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------